A Fair Deal for Consumers / Importing Cars

Differences in car price between those sold in the UK and in other EU member states have long been the bug-bear of British consumers. EU rules are now in place to stop European businesses colluding in order to fix prices or carve up markets between them.

Since 1 June 2010, there are rules to increase competition in the market for repair and maintenance by improving access to technical information needed for the repairs, and making it easier to use alternative spare parts. The new competition rules on agreements between vehicle manufacturers and authorised dealers, repairers and spare part distributors also crack down on any manufacturers’ abuse of warranties by requiring cars be serviced only in authorised garages.

Repair bills account for an estimated 40% of the total cost of owning a car and costs have been rising in recent years. The new rules will also reduce distribution costs for new cars, which can represent up to 30% of the purchase price.

Regular monitoring of car prices makes sure customers are well informed about differences across the EU. A list of contact points has been set up by car manufacturers to help consumers who encounter difficulties when purchasing a vehicle. Click on the link below for more information: