Travel & Working / EU Health Insurance Card

When visiting another EU country on holiday, you are entitled, as a UK citizen, to health care in the event of an emergency. The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles you to reduced-cost and sometimes free medical treatment anywhere in the EU, Norway, Switzerland and some other countries. Some 27 million UK nationals have the EHIC.

In 2006, the EHIC superseded the E111 for UK residents. The EHIC can be used to cover any necessary medical treatment due to either accident or illness within the European Economic Area (EEA). The EHIC entitles the holder to state-provided medical treatment within the country they are visiting.

The card is valid for three to five years and the quickest and easiest way to get one is to apply online (below).  By applying online you can apply for yourself, spouse/partner and up to 4 children in one application and you can receive your EHIC within 7 working days.