Travel & Working / Air Passenger Rights

At some point we will all have to suffer the stress of passenger delays or flight cancellations. Since February 2005, new EU laws have laid down rules on assistance and information for stranded passengers. You may have a right to compensation if you are denied boarding or your flight is cancelled under certain circumstances.

For the one in ten people in the EU with impaired mobility, an EU regulation passed in 2006 seeks to ensure that they get fair treatment and free assistance at all EU airports.

Full details about your rights as a passenger can be found within the Air Passenger’s Charter, which is on display throughout all UK airports and available online below:


National bodies in each EU member state administer the rules. Here in the UK, that’s the job of the Air Transport Users Council, and all complaints should be forwarded to it at the address below.

Air Transport Users Council, Room
K705, CAA House, 45-59 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6TE

Tel: 020 7240 6061
Email: [email protected] | Web: