A Fair Deal for Consumers / Cheaper Telecoms

Since the 1980s, monopolies controlling voice and data telecommunications and nearly all equipment attached to their networks have been replaced with more competition ensuring you as a UK consumer get the best possible deal.

In the 10 years to 1998, the EU liberalised all telecoms goods and services. The number of fixed-line telecoms operators doubled between 1998 and 2003. New entrants invested in new services and infrastructure, and consumers got a better deal all round.

Since 2000, the EU-weighted average charge of a three-minute call has fallen by 65% and the cost of a ten-minute call by 74%.

In 2009, a review of the rules governing the telecoms sector was agreed which will ensure that its regulatory framework will continue to serve the best interests of consumers and industry in today’s marketplace. For consumers this will mean, amongst other things:

  • Being able to change your service provider and keep your phone number in one working day
  • clearer information on the details of your subscription to services
  • an obligation for service providers to notify national authorities and customers of any breaches in personal data security.

These new rules will apply from May 2011.

Anyone got a charger…?

In 2009, 14 major mobile phone manufacturers agreed, at the request of the European Commission, to introduce a universal phone charger to replace the 30 or so different types used for the estimated 500 million phones in the European Union. From 2011, the universal charger has been available when a smartphone is purchased. Not only will it make it easier to charge a phone when you’ve forgotten your charger, it will significantly reduce the 50,000 tonnes of discarded chargers recovered every year.