Location : Cornwall
EU Investment : £ 76.5 million
Visit Website : http://www.cuc.ac.uk/
The CUC is the first collaborative higher education initiative in the UK with economic regeneration and business support at its heart.
In the past one of Cornwall’s most serious challenges was the annual exodus of young people leaving the area because it was not possible to study their chosen subjects close to home. Very few of these people returned to work in Cornwall, dividing families and making it hard for businesses to recruit skilled, creative young people.
The project involved a partnership between Exeter and Plymouth Universities, University College Falmouth, The Open University and several other colleges with the aim of making studying and working in Cornwall more attractive for young people.
CUC is playing a key role in the transformation of Cornwall’s economy. As of March 2006, 462 teaching and support posts had been created under the initiative, and an additional £4.57 million of GDP achieved. The initiative is anticipated to create more than 4,000 jobs by the year 2025 and plays a major role in the development of the kind of knowledge-based economy which can ensure Cornwall’s future prosperity.

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