Location : Bristol
EU Investment : £ 324,000
Visit Website : http://www.childrensscrapstore.co.uk
The Children Scrapstore project recycles safe but unwanted materials from local businesses for use in creative play projects for children. The shop stores the resources in a scrap warehouse located in Bristol. The scrap warehouse stocks all sorts of things people need for creative play such as paper and card, plastic pots, tubes and tubs, netting, fabric, books and CDs left over from business.
This project now provides a stable, sustainable workspace and resources for community groups to expand their capacity and develop new initiatives. It also allows businesses to save money by reducing their waste disposal costs. Company employees benefit from a feel-good factor when good materials are put back into the community as a useful resource. The tonnage of waste going into landfill is reduced, benefiting the environment and saving money for local authorities by extending the life of landfill sites. Local children and adults are given access to affordable, creative resources. Finally, the community benefits as jobs are created from materials that would have been buried forever.

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