The EU Near Me / South East / Hampshire

Job deal Hampshire

Start Date : January 2011
Location : Hampshire
EU Investment : £ 7,200,000 ESF investment across the SE over 4 years to 31/12/14
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Job Deal in Hampshire is a European Social Fund employment project which helps ex-offenders find work, supporting them with completing CVs, disclosure, application forms and interview skills.

One successful Job Deal participant was Scott (not his real name) who had always wanted to be a Car Paint Sprayer. He has previously completed an apprenticeship but then went to prison. On his release he started looking for work in this industry but employers all wanted people with Automotive Technician Accreditation (ATA).

Scott showed great commitment and progress. His case manager at Job Deal obtained funding for Scott to undertake his ATA qualifications, which he took in September 2011 and passed with flying colours. Scott’s case manager then worked with him to find work in his chosen industry. A few days work in Newbury were a start, but the aim was full time sustainable employment. Scott then applied to a well known Formula 1 company that was looking for an ATA qualified spray painter, and they offered him work that week, starting at £15 per hour.

Scott’s employment has been a great success, involving a move from a short term contract to full-time employment as a car sprayer in early 2012.

Job Deal is delivered by a network of expert partners from the public, private and third sectors and provides ex-offenders with individually tailored support to address the barriers to employment. Job Deal is run in the South East by Serco, and is jointly funded by the National Offender Management Service Co-Financing Organisation and the European Social Fund.

For further details, see ESF provider lists at

Serco Job Deal - SE - NOMS

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