The EU Near Me / Scotland / Stirling, Scotland

Raploch Urban Regeneration

Start Date : June 2004
Location : Stirling, Scotland
EU Investment : £ 565,000
Visit Website :

In the heart of central Scotland, Raploch is surrounded by all that is prosperous, dynamic and vibrant. However, the city has been unable to share in this prosperity, becoming an increasingly excluded community, with higher unemployment rates, poorer health, lower educational achievement and a lack of choice and opportunity. Today, Raploch remains as one of highest in the Forth Valley deprivation index

For this reason, over the last few years, there has been extensive engagement with residents, local businesses and the Community Planning Partnership, including the European Regional Development Fund, to set up a master plan to breathe new life into the city. The plan aims to transform Raploch into a 21st century community through the use of high design standards and strong community involvement.


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