Location : Belfast
EU Investment : £ 6.75 million
During the 1800s the Belfast Gasworks acted as the central power source to the rapid economic growth that put Belfast at the heart of Victorian commerce. However, by 1985 production had grounded to a halt.
The land was subsequently purchased by Belfast City Council in partnership with the Laganside Corporation, however, at that point it was heavily contaminated and unsuitable for most uses. The council, with funding from the EU, undertook major work to turn the derelict and heavily polluted city centre Brownfield site into a modern business park. The redevelopment won the 1998 Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Award for Reclamation.
Now, the park hosts a wide range of enterprises including a hotel, Halifax centre, shops, small enterprise workshops, offices, purpose-built business units and currently, some 2,500 people work there.

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