Inclusion Through Media is the name of a partnership of 25 organisations led by Hi8us Projects Limited, the UK’s leading national media charity, providing young people with the opportunity to gain first hand media production experience.
Its core aim is to reach young people at risk of social exclusion, enabling them to articulate their own stories in the creation of ground breaking television, film and new media. The hope is that this experience will in turn act as a catalyst for change in the participant’s own lives and communities.
Funded through Equal, a European Social Fund community initiative, Inclusion Through Media has enabled existing projects, such as Hi8us South’s award-winning interactive drama L8R, to develop and flourish. It has also helped create new initiatives such as Hi8us Projects’ DigiTales, Hi8us North’s Sunshine & Bulldozers and Hi8us Midlands’ Projecting Stoke.

- East
- East Midlands
- London
- North East
- North West
- Northern Ireland
- Scotland
- South East
- South West
- Wales
- West Midlands
- Yorkshire & Humber