Location : Lincolnshire
EU Investment : £ 7,609,593 ESF investment across the East Midlands over 4 years to 31/12/14
Visit Website : http://www.leicsprobation.co.uk/
Shaun, a volunteer Peer Mentor for the REACH project at Lincolnshire Action Trust, has turned his life around. Having completed his order, Shaun has continued to grow and help other people by drawing on his experience of being an ex-offender and using the skills he has learnt on the project.
When Shaun was asked about his experience so far volunteering for Lincolnshire Action Trust, he said, “It’s been brilliant, and I’m gaining a lot of satisfaction out of knowing that someone else is gaining from my experiences in life”.
Since training as a Peer Mentor with the REACH project, Shaun has seized every opportunity to develop his skills further, by successfully completing a motivational course with GOALS UK and several awareness training days with Lincolnshire Action Trust. Shaun commented, “I have found the training a highly useful resource, with tutors and trainers dedicated to giving me the tools to help others as well as myself. I have learnt a lot about how people’s experiences in life are different, and how important other people’s perceptions can be when working together.”
Shaun is now volunteering with Lincolnshire Probation Trust, tutoring participants on the REACH project who wish to improve their computer skills. A participant who is working with Shaun was asked how they are finding his support, and said, “Shaun has helped refresh my memory with computers, it’s given me something constructive to do and I’m looking into getting a laptop now with the possibility of going for a computer qualification”.
Mentoring offers Shaun a real feel-good factor. As he says, “I get on really well with the mentee I have been matched with. There is a good common ground and solid relationship which is important when helping him to move forward. I can’t wait to continue mentoring again next week”.
The REACH project is an employability programme jointly funded by the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) Co-financing Organisation and the European Social Fund (ESF), and works across the East Midlands to help offenders back into employment.

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